Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Yes God I Hear You!

Be careful what you pray for!  Every night when I say my prayers I always ask that I will be able to finish/accomplish more the following day.  Unfortunately I never feel like I accomplish enough nor have enough time during the day to finish everything I need to.  I think God must have gotten tired of hearing this same old prayer night after night and finally had enough.  Last week when I had just finished (thank you Lord for allowing me to finish) my grocery blog, my computer crashed.  It wasn't just a shut down, but it was a hard crash, it's completely dead!  I've had a week to realize just how neglected my house has gotten.  We don't have cable/satellite, and where we live we don't get reception for the regular channels either, so I didn't have TV to grab my time either.  No computer, no TV, what's a girl to do?  Yep, I cleaned.  I cleaned, and then I cleaned some more.  I went through closets, detailed bathrooms, cleared the pantry, wiped the baseboards, and so much more....ohhhh, so much more.  Things I probably should have been up on, but alas I realize that the computer, my only entertainment (besides my hysterically entertaining kids) was sucking me in to the point that I couldn't accomplish everything I need to every day.  So here I sit, with my new wonderful computer, so grateful to have one back, but so humbled by the lesson I learned.  I now have a schedule to go by, and if I don't finish everything I need to on the computer by my allotted time, I have to be done anyway.  This is what I tell myself, hopefully I'll stick with it.  I'd really hate for my new computer to crash on me again, lol.  Yes God, I hear you!

I have a lot of catching up to do, over 1000 emails to go through, and only a few spurts of time to do it.  But once I do I'll be back posting up some really great deals and freebies!  Thanks for your patients!


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